Please read the guidelines below before visiting the submission site!
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
BizEcons Quarterly is a journal that focuses on publishing research articles related to business and economics. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and stay updated with the latest theoretical, methodological, and best practices research in the field.
As an affiliated journal of Strides Educational Foundation, we adhere to the highest standards of ethical publishing practices. We request all authors to carefully read the guidelines given below before submitting their manuscripts. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines may be returned or rejected.
Submission Guidelines:
- Manuscripts must be of sufficient quality and relevance to meet the aims and scope of BizEcons Quarterly.
- There are no fees to be paid for manuscript submission or publication in the journal.
- As part of the submission process, authors must warrant that the submitted work is original and not being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Authors must also have the necessary rights and permissions for any copyrighted works included in their manuscript.
- Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s submission site.
We look forward to receiving your original research articles that contribute to the field of business and economics.
What do we publish in BizEcons Quarterly?
At BizEcons Quarterly, we publish original research articles related to business and economics. Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and stay updated with the latest theoretical, methodological, and best practices research in the field.
We welcome three types of manuscripts:
- Empirical Research Articles: We encourage data-based articles that describe, explain, or predict a business or economic phenomenon. These articles should be focused on practical business or economic problems and may use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods data. The standard for acceptance is that the paper must make a substantive theoretical and/or methodological contribution to the business and economics literature.
- Conceptual Research Articles: We encourage the development of high-quality articles that are broadly conceptual with the goal of building theory and/or reviewing and evaluating the body of research in a substantive and important area. These articles may be wholly conceptual or conceptual/empirical with meta-analytic data. Authors of such articles must be invited, or commissioned by the Editor. The standard for publication is that the paper must make a substantive theoretical and/or methodological contribution to the business and economics literature.
- Commentaries: We encourage constructive commentary on our research problems, assumptions, methodologies, and evaluation. Also included are comments about our publication process and expectations. Finally, constructive commentary concerning research publications is encouraged. Acceptance of Letters to the Editor will be the prerogative of the Editor.
All manuscripts submitted to BizEcons Quarterly are first assessed by the Editor to determine their suitability for potential publication. Subsequently, selected manuscripts are then double-anonymize, peer-reviewed by accomplished scholars in the topical area. In all cases, the standard for publication in BizEcons Quarterly is that a paper must make a substantive theoretical and/or methodological contribution to the business and economics literature.
Peer review policy
BizEcons Quarterly follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process for all submitted manuscripts. The peer-review process is an essential component of ensuring the quality of the research published in the journal. The objective of peer review is to provide authors with constructive feedback on their work and ensure that only high-quality, original research is published.
Upon submission, all manuscripts are first reviewed by the editorial team to ensure that they meet the journal’s scope and formatting requirements. Subsequently, the manuscripts are sent to at least two independent expert reviewers who have relevant expertise and experience in the subject area of the manuscript. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and research background.
BizEcons Quarterly follows a double-blind peer-review process, where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and vice versa. This ensures that the review process is unbiased and based solely on the quality and merit of the manuscript. Reviewers are asked to provide their feedback within a set time frame, and the editorial team monitors the progress of the review process to ensure timely completion.
The reviewers’ comments and feedback are shared with the authors, who are given an opportunity to revise their manuscript based on the feedback received. The revised manuscript is then re-evaluated by the original reviewers or, in some cases, new reviewers to ensure that the authors have adequately addressed the reviewers’ comments and feedback.
The final decision on manuscript acceptance or rejection is made by the editorial team based on the feedback received from the reviewers. The decision is communicated to the authors, along with the reviewers’ comments and feedback.
At BizEcons Quarterly, we take peer review seriously, and we expect our reviewers to maintain the highest standards of professionalism, confidentiality, and ethical conduct. We do not permit the use of author-suggested (recommended) reviewers, and we ensure that reviewers are not assigned to a paper if there is a conflict of interest, such as being based at the same institution as any of the co-authors or at the funding body of the paper.
We believe that the peer-review process is a critical aspect of maintaining the quality and integrity of the research published in our journal, and we are committed to ensuring that it is carried out with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
Review criteria
BizEcons Quarterly aims to publish high-quality research in the field of business and economics. To ensure that published manuscripts meet this standard, the following five criteria are used:
Relevance: The manuscript must be directly relevant to the stated aims and scope of the journal.
Significance: The subject and outcomes of the research must make a significant, important, and valuable contribution to business and economics knowledge and theory.
Originality: The research must be original, new, and innovative. Manuscripts that add little to existing knowledge in the field may not be suitable for publication in BizEcons Quarterly.
Rigor: The research design and methodology must be of a very high standard.
Clarity: The manuscript must achieve a very high standard of English grammar and expression and must communicate all important aspects of the research in a clear manner.
BizEcons Quarterly receives a large number of submissions each year, and only a small portion of these (around 2% currently) are accepted for publication. To help authors understand the factors that impact manuscript acceptance, the following additional points may be helpful:
- While BizEcons Quarterly welcomes research on a wide range of topics related to business and economics, the manuscript must be clearly relevant to the aims and scope of the journal.
- Manuscripts that break new ground, challenge existing assumptions, or fill important gaps in knowledge are preferred.
- Methodology is not a deciding factor, but it should be appropriate for the research aims and objectives and explained clearly.
- Manuscripts that are too narrowly focused on a specific local context may not be of sufficient interest to the wider readership of the journal.
- Manuscripts must have a high standard of English grammar and expression in the final version.
To help reviewers assess manuscripts, the following 12 items are considered on a 5-point scale:
- Is the topic directly relevant to the stated aims and scope of BizEcons Quarterly?
- Does the research make a valuable contribution to business and economics knowledge and theory?
- Is the research substantially original and innovative for publication in BizEcons Quarterly?
- Is the research design rigorous, methodologically sound, and of a high standard?
- Is the manuscript highly articulate and clear? Does it contain a high standard of English grammar and expression?
- Is the literature review appropriate and up-to-date?
- Is there a significant theoretical contribution to the literature?
- Is the methodology sufficiently explained for future research to replicate?
- Are there clearly stated and significant practical and applied contributions in the conclusions of the manuscript?
- Are there clearly stated and significant theoretical contributions in the conclusions of the manuscript?
- Are there clearly stated limitations in the conclusions of the manuscript?
- Are the conclusions warranted?
All individuals who have contributed substantially to the research or writing of the article should be listed as authors. The order of authorship and other publication credits should reflect the relative scientific or professional contributions of each individual, regardless of their position or status.
In cases where there are multiple authors and the publication substantially derives from a student’s dissertation or thesis, the student should be listed as the principal author.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that all listed authors meet the criteria for authorship and have approved the final version of the manuscript.
Individuals who provide writing assistance, such as from a communications company, do not qualify as authors and should be included in the Acknowledgements section. Authors must disclose any writing assistance, including the individual’s name, company, and level of input, and identify the entity that paid for this assistance.
Use of language polishing services does not need to be disclosed.
Any personal acknowledgements for writing assistance should be submitted separately to the main text on the title page only to facilitate anonymous peer review.
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgements section. Please supply any personal acknowledgements separately to the main text and only as part of the title page to facilitate anonymous peer review.
In the case where an individual who is not listed as an author submits a manuscript on behalf of the author(s), a statement must be included in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript. The statement must disclose the type of editorial assistance provided by the individual, including their name, company, and level of input. Any entities that paid for this assistance must also be identified. Additionally, the listed authors must confirm that they have authorized the submission of their manuscript via third party and approved any statements or declarations, such as conflicting interests or funding.
Authors are required to acknowledge their funding sources under a separate heading. The funding acknowledgement should be added to the title page only to facilitate anonymous peer review. Please state whether the research received any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors, and provide details of the funding sources as applicable.
Declaration of conflicting interests
At BizEcons Quarterly, we expect all authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could be perceived as affecting the objectivity, conduct or presentation of their research. This includes any financial, personal or professional relationships that might pose a conflict of interest.
If there are no conflicts of interest, please include the following statement: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.” If there are any potential conflicts of interest, please include a statement explaining the nature of the conflict(s) and how they may influence the research.
Any conflicts of interest must be declared in a separate section at the end of the manuscript prior to the references. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare, this section should be included after the Acknowledgements section. The disclosure statement should also be included in the cover letter of the submission.
Preparing your manuscript for submission
Online submission system
Before submitting your manuscript, please carefully read and adhere to all the guidelines and instructions provided herein. The BizEcons Quarterly is hosted on an online submission system . Please visit the journal’s online submission site to login and submit your article online.
File formatting
The preferred format for your manuscript is Word.
Manuscripts are submitted as two or more files. The first file is the title page containing the manuscript title, author names, affiliations, any acknowledgments and declarations, and both postal and e-mail addresses. The other file(s) should contain no information which might reveal the identity of the authors. These files provide the body of the article including the title, abstract, text body, and references. Tables and figures may also be included in this file on separate pages at the end of the manuscript or uploaded as separate files.
Manuscript preparation
To be considered for publication in the BizEcons Quarterly, manuscripts must meet the following standards:
- The manuscript should be single-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.
- The manuscript should be left-justified, with a ragged right-hand margin (no full justification).
- The minimum print size is 12 point, except in tables and figures where 10 pt may be used.
- Manuscripts are submitted as one file: the manuscript body, ALL authors’ name, position, affiliation, address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and any acknowledgements. Please use title case when entering the article title into the submission form.
- The manuscript file should contain the title, abstract, 4 to 5 keywords, text, appendices, notes, references, each table, and each figure.
- Authors’ names are to appear only on the cover page. There should be nothing in the manuscript file that identifies the authors either by name or institution.
- Abstract is to be 150 words or less.
- Manuscripts must be 10,000 words or less. This 10,000 word limit includes everything in the manuscript except the title, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references. Due to page limitations and the desire to accommodate as many authors as possible, this should be considered a hard limit.
- All in-text citations should be included in the reference list, and all references should have in-text citations.
Reference style
The BizEcons Quarterly follows the American Psychological Association (APA) style for references. Information on APA reference can be found at
Ethical considerations
Authors submitting manuscripts to the BizEcons Quarterly should ensure their work is original, not previously published, and free of any plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct. Any sources used in the manuscript should be properly cited and referenced. The Journal takes allegations of academic misconduct seriously and will investigate any such claims thoroughly.
Authors should also disclose any potential conflicts of interest in their manuscript, including financial or personal relationships that could influence the research or its interpretation.
Submission checklist
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have completed the following checklist:
- Have you read and followed all the guidelines and instructions provided by the journal?
- Have you checked the formatting requirements?
- Have you included all required sections and information in your manuscript?
- Have you ensured that your manuscript is free of plagiarism and academic misconduct?
- Have you disclosed any potential conflicts of interest?
- Have you included all necessary citations and references, using the appropriate reference style?
- Have you included any supplementary material, if applicable?
- Have you reviewed and double-checked your manuscript for any errors or mistakes?
By following these guidelines and ensuring your manuscript meets all the requirements of the journal, you can increase the chances of your submission being accepted and published in the BizEcons Quarterly.
Authors submitting articles to BizEcons Quarterly are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all materials used in the manuscript comply with copyright laws.
We encourage authors to obtain written permission for the use of any copyrighted material and to submit a copy of the permission letter to the journal at the time of submission. In cases where the author is unable to obtain written permission, they must provide evidence that they have made every effort to obtain permission.
Failure to obtain necessary permissions may result in the manuscript being rejected or delayed in the publication process. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to take necessary steps to ensure that all materials used in their manuscript comply with copyright laws and regulations.
Manuscript revision requirements
To give your manuscript the best chances of being accepted for publication in BizEcons Quarterly, please carefully read and follow these guidelines when revising your manuscript. Please note that receiving an invitation to revise and resubmit your paper does not guarantee eventual acceptance and publication in the journal. The revised manuscript will need to meet the standards required for publication in BizEcons Quarterly.
Please submit your revised paper via the BizEcons Quarterly Manuscript Central process as a revision of your original submission. The paper should be submitted under the same manuscript number and will be treated by the Editorial Office as a revised paper. This will ensure a faster review process.
Include with your submission a supplementary file indicating how the paper has been revised in response to the comments made by the reviewers of the original version, as well as any additional comments or requirements indicated by the Editor in the decision email. This file must be submitted with the revised manuscript so that it can be forwarded to the reviewers. The supplementary file must explain how the authors have addressed the concerns raised in the initial review. Subsequent reviews will focus specifically on this response. Please ensure that the supplementary file does not include any identifying information about the authors.
To create the supplementary file, please follow these guidelines:
- Copy and paste all comments made by each reviewer, as well as any requirements indicated by the Editor in the decision email.
- Provide a detailed explanation and justification for your response to each substantive comment.
- Clearly indicate whether or not a change has occurred in the manuscript in response to each comment, and if so, specify the nature of the change and its location in the manuscript.
- If you disagree with a reviewer’s comments or suggestions or prefer an alternative approach, explain and justify your views and preferred approach, either to change the manuscript or to change it in a different manner. Clearly explain any change and its location in the manuscript.
In addition to responding to the reviewer comments, it is essential to ensure that the paper is up-to-date in its review of the literature. During each revision process, please update the review of literature, including how this paper fits within the related papers published in the field and BizEcons Quarterly in recent years. Please also check the journal’s online listings for any relevant manuscripts that may have been published before the acceptance of your paper. Updating the literature review will significantly benefit the further review of revised manuscripts.
On acceptance and publication
BizEcons Quarterly Production
Upon acceptance of your article, our editorial team will work with you to finalize the production process. You will be informed of your article’s progress throughout the production process, and you will receive a final proof for your review and approval.
Please carefully check the proof to confirm that all author information, including names, affiliations, and contact details are correct, and that any necessary acknowledgments, funding and conflict of interest statements, and permissions for any previously published materials are accurately included.
Online publication
Once your article has been fully produced, it will be published online in our journal, which reduces the lead time between acceptance and publication. We will provide you with a link to your article, and you will be able to access it online.
Access to your published article
As an author, you will have free online access to your final article. Additionally, we provide all of our readers with online access to our journal through various databases and online libraries.
Promoting your article
We encourage our authors to promote their published articles through various channels, including social media, academic networking sites, and personal websites. This will help to increase the visibility and impact of your research.
Publishing Policies
We take issues of plagiarism, copyright infringement, and other breaches of publication best practices very seriously at BizEcons Quarterly. We ensure that the rights of our authors are protected and thoroughly investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software. If plagiarism or other issues are discovered, we reserve the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to publishing an erratum or corrigendum, retracting the article, or taking legal action.
Prior publication
In general, previously published material is not acceptable for publication in BizEcons Quarterly. If there are any doubts or questions regarding prior publication, authors may contact the editor at the address provided below.
Further information
For any additional information, queries, or correspondence regarding manuscript submissions, authors can contact the Editor Olaniyi Evans at