Welcome to BizEcons Quarterly, a journal dedicated to high-quality research that contributes to advancing knowledge in a variety of themes in the field of business and economics. We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions that shed light on the microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis of markets and industries, industrial organization, game theory and strategic behavior, behavioral economics, public economics, environmental economics, international trade, financial economics, corporate finance, econometrics, labor economics, health economics, development economics, and innovation and entrepreneurship.
We invite scholars from around the world to submit their original research articles, review papers, and case studies to BizEcons Quarterly. We seek to provide a platform for researchers to share their findings, engage in rigorous debates, and develop new insights and methodologies. Our journal is committed to ensuring that the research we publish is of the highest quality and makes a significant contribution to the advancement of business and economics as fields of study.
At BizEcons Quarterly, we are particularly interested in research that addresses pressing economic issues facing businesses, policymakers, and society at large. We encourage interdisciplinary approaches that draw from other fields, including sociology, psychology, political science, and engineering, among others. Our journal strives to be at the forefront of cutting-edge research and scholarship, providing a platform for researchers to explore new ideas and methodologies.
We are committed to publishing research that is accessible to a broad audience of academics, practitioners, and policymakers. Our journal aims to promote dialogue between researchers and stakeholders in the business and policy communities, facilitating the translation of academic research into practice. We believe that this dialogue is essential for ensuring that research has real-world impact and contributes to solving pressing economic challenges.
Author benefits
As an author submitting to BizEcons Quarterly, you will have access to a range of benefits designed to enhance the visibility and impact of your research.
Firstly, we are indexed in major databases, including RePEc and SciRev, ensuring that your research will be discoverable to a wide audience of scholars and researchers in the field.
Furthermore, we are an affiliated journal of the Strides Educational Foundation, meaning that your research will be available to all members of the association, expanding your potential readership even further.
Our international Editorial Board is composed of prestigious and experienced scholars in the field, who will provide guidance and support throughout the submission and publication process.
Lastly, authors publish their work as free of charge, making it freely available to readers without any subscription or paywall restrictions.
We encourage all authors to read our Instructions for Authors page, which provides detailed information on how to prepare and submit your manuscript to BizEcons Quarterly.